Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Warwick 2a/2b response - Amsterdam 2 'Scenario'

1 comment:

  1. Hi, this is Amsterdam 2 more known as courage and resistance! thanks for mapping out our keyword and helping us elaborating on our thoughts. Initialy we assumed that the keyword is complex and as you have shown in your map, it is sure a complex concept.
    Yet we are eager to find ways to make it more clearer to the fact that the keyword is supposed to be used as methodological tools.
    <we think that we should enhance the map to make it more and more clearer. <here are our thoughts about the map :

    1. what do you exactly mean by "subject"? - we thought it could mean both subject as author and subject as theme

    2. In the green, maybe you should use linear vs. non linear instead of linear vs. fragmented. Because linear can be fragmented, one does not exclude the other.

    3. the green and the bright blue parts are really clear

    4. In general, we think that that all the double arrow, especially in the right area, are a bit convoluting. We think you could consider to minimalize these double arrow, especially in considering that all parts are actually connected to scenario in the middle.

    5. if you put in "seeing", why not put in "hearing", "touching", "smelling" etc. in aswell?
