Monday, 26 September 2011

Scenario - Amsterdam2

Our key term “scenario” draws from Diane Taylor’s writing “The archive and the repertoire”.

Taylor uses the term “scenario” as a meaning-making paradigm, that would allow us to pay attention to the repertoire in its emphasis on the ephemeral character of embodied practice/knowledge (such as spoken language, dance etc.).

Six ways of investigation on social structure and behaviour through the paradigm of scenario are suggested by Taylor:

  1. Scenario in the sense of physical location
  2. Scenario as embodiment
  3. Scenario in the frame/ formulaic structure
  4. Scenario in the mode of transmission
  5. Scenario as a mode forcing to position ourselves in relation to it
  6. Scenario as once-againness, not merely mimetic, reactivation rather than dublcation

There is a paradox in trying to grasp the ephemeral, especially as scholarly works are mostly done through writing (archiving), yet the emphasis on the repertoire would allow us to regain what had been mostly lost in the study of the archive.

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