Thursday, 9 June 2011

Beyond Powerpoint - Prezi

Having just returned from summerschool and seen how MAIPR students presented their dissertations on posters and wishing there was something closer to the spatial arrangement of ideas than powerpoint offers reminded me of a web-based programme that goes some way to addressing this. It's called Prezi and you can find it here -
Students/Teachers get a special (free) licence that gives you more storage space and the ability to build your presentation offline. Am hoping to use it for a presentation in a week's time so I'll report back on how it goes.

1 comment:

  1. Used it at the Virtual Futures conference. Things to watch out for - the temptation (which I fell for) to be totally non-linear needs to be reined-in. You can be free-form but then you fail to exploit the strength of the programme to show relations between ideas. The ease with which you can assemble stuff (love the fact that you can drop videos in and they play with so much less grief than powerpoint) can encourage you to flood the programme with bits and again, without a structure I think you can induce motion sickness as you fly from one idea to the next. Will use again but make use of the framing capability.
